Is It Okay To Take Two Ativan Can I Take My Prescribed Medication After Having Blood Drawn?


Can I take my prescribed medication after having blood drawn? - is it okay to take two ativan

Yesterday morning had sold 6 vials of blood for tests from my doctor. This corresponds to about 10 cubic centimeters in each pot, or 60 ml of whole blood. Thus, two tablespoons of the value of blood was drawn.

Is it safe to take prescription drugs after blood collection, the crowd? I only ask because I have an anxiety disorder and prescribed a sedative, which are during the night. I have been the tranquilizer Ativan benzodiazopine cry every night in the halves and quarters b / c of 1 mg prescribtion degree is enough for me.

Although my doctor told me I would be good, I think he wants a second opinion. Has anyone been in my situation?

Thank you for your input.


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